DroneAerialView.com Logo

High-Quality Drone Shots, Whenever You Need!

Our Service

I provide high-quality aerial footage for real estate, events, and personal projects.
Questions? Call: +49 - 179 - 5541038

Here's a selection of my work to explore:

My Drone Packages (Included in Base Price)

Basic Package - Without Editing

Receive three copyright-free drone videos and photos. Raw footage ready for your own editing. All directly downloadable! Only available when I am on location.

Price: €99

Premium Package - With Professional Editing

Get two professionally edited copyright-free drone videos and high-quality photos for your website or promotional needs. Videos max. 3 minutes each. Only available when I am on location.

Price: €199

Travel Cost Calculator

Base Price (Includes Copyright-Free Photos & Videos) €69
Cost per Kilometer (€): €0.35


€69 base price includes copyright-free photos and videos.
Travel costs will be added based on distance.

Total Sum:

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