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High-Quality Drone Shots, Whenever You Need!

Liability Waiver for Drone Flying Experience

1. Assumption of Risk:
I, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree that drone flying involves certain inherent risks, including but not limited to, potential damage to property, personal injury, or loss of control of the drone. I voluntarily assume full responsibility for any risks arising from my participation in this activity.

2. Liability Release:
I release and discharge DroneAerialView.com, its owner, Aebe Strijker, and any affiliated parties from any liability, claims, demands, or causes of action that may arise due to accidents, injuries, or damages incurred during the drone flying session.

3. Damage Deposit:
I agree to pay a refundable damage deposit of €150 before the session begins. I understand that the deposit will be returned to me upon confirmation that no damage has been caused to the drone or other equipment.

4. Rules and Responsibilities:
I agree to follow all instructions provided by the operator and adhere to the safety guidelines during the session.

5. Identity Verification:
I agree to present a valid government-issued identification (ID) to confirm my age and identity.

6. Legal Age Confirmation:
I confirm that I am above the legal age required to operate a drone weighing 249 grams or less, as per local regulations.

7. Governing Law:
This agreement is governed by the laws of Germany.